NOTE: To stop or cancel 911 mode you must go into the
“Tracking” page, select the icon “Cancel 911” and confirm
the changes by tapping Yes; otherwise, the device will
continually send a QuickPosition Report to SkyRouter
every 15 seconds with your location.
Navigate to the "Texting" menu. Compose a message
by selecting the "Compose" option. Enter a recipient or
leave the default "Server" in place to send the message to
SkyRouter. Choose “Free Text” or "Canned Message" type,
(when using free text, enter text using the touchscreen
keyboard that pops up). When you are finished composing
your message press Send.
SkyRouter Verification:
Log into the test account on SkyRouter and verify the unit
is reporting with an accurate GPS location.
5333 Mission Center Rd. #220, San Diego, CA 92108 USA
Phone: + 1 858 551 3894 Fax: + 1 858 225 0794
Website: www.blueskynetwork.com
E-mail: [email protected]
@ 2013, Blue Sky Network. All rights reserved. Rev 04.13 06.26.13
The information presented in this document represents the current view of Blue Sky Network on the issues discussed
as of the date of publication and is subject to change without notice. No part of this document may be reproduced,
transmitted, or translated without the written permission of Blue Sky Network. This document is for informational
purposes only. Blue Sky Network makes no warranties of any kind with respect to the information in this document.