World clock
Access this menu to view time of main cities in various time zones. Set the time of the current city on the
mobile phone.
You can use two kinds of stopwatch to record time: Typical stopwatch and nWay stopwatch.
STK service is the tool kit of SIM card. This phone supports the service function .The specific items are
depended by SIM card and network.
1.16 Settings
Dual SIM settings
You can choose among Only SIM 1 open, Only SIM 2 open and Dual SIM open.
Push Messenger
This is a third-party chatting tool. You must sign in with a push messenger ID to use this function. If your
contacts also have an ID, you can communicate with each other in a more convenient way. Please contact
the network supporter to for more details about it.
User Profiles
The mobile phone provides multiple user profiles
General, Silent, Meeting and Outdoor.
You can customize settings on profile and then activate corresponding profiles.