Minute Timer
Creating a countdown. The voice assistant will create a countdown with the
time that was dictated. Examples: Create a countdown for 10 minutes. Count
down 5 minutes and 30 seconds.
Computing a simple formula. The calculator will provide a result of a simple
mathematic formula and open a calculator. Examples: What is 5 times 9. How
much is 200 divided by 10. 26 plus 95.
Creating an event with a specific date and time. The voice assistant will create
an event in the calendar on the stated date and time. Examples: Create an
event Footbal training on Tuesday 3pm. Add to a calendar April 4th 5pm.
Creating a note. The voice assistant will add a text note to the application
Notes. Examples: Take a note walk the dog. Create a note pass the butter.
Play a radio station. The assistant will turn on the radio and start playing a
specific radio station. Examples: Play the Rock Around The Block Radio. Open
the Viking FM radio
Weather forecast. The voice assistant will provide a relevant information
about weather in your location for the day. Examples: What will be the
weather tomorrow? What is the weather like today?
Find your actual position. The voice assistant will start a localization process
immediately and tell back the result. Examples: Where am I? Location.
Information about the state of the phone
Check the current battery level. Examples: Battery. What is the battery level.
The voice assistant will provide a relevant information about the carrier signal
strength. Examples: What is the signal level. Signal strength
The voice assistant will provide you with an information about the WiFi
network which you are connected to. Examples: What WiFi network am I
connected to. WiFi state.
The voice assistant will provide you with an information about the current
time. Examples: What is the time. Time. What time is it?
The voice assistant will provide you with an information about the current
date. Examples: What day is it? What is the current date.