Installation Procedure
The AutoSpargetm can be installed in nearly any pot or cooler with a minimum of 12” of inside clearance for the float to
move. Installation of the product in a brew pot merely requires a 13/16” mounting hole be drilled or punched in the pot. A
7/8” hole will also work, but is a bit on the big side.
Installation in a brew pot:
Blichmann Engineering offers a punching service for BoilerMaker
pots for a nominal fee when purchased new from the
factory. We do not punch other pots, or accept pots back to us for punching. We offer 6 different locations to
accommodate your installation. See our web page for details.
To install in your pot, simply mark your desired location approximately 2” from the top lip of the pot and drill a 3/16 pilot
hole. Then use a step drill and enlarge the hole to 13/16”. Step drills are available through most hardware/home
improvement centers or through McMaster.com (part# 8841A24 or 89315A42 for TiN coated). Step drills produce a
perfectly round hole and are great for use in sheet metal. Alternately, a knockout punch (McMaster.com part 3449A999)
can be used. Hole saws are another tool that can be used, however they produce a rougher hole and sometimes catch in
sheet metal so are harder to use. Fig 2 shows a hole being drilled with a step drill. Note that the gasket goes on the INSIDE
of the pot.
Installation into a cooler: is a bit more work, but is still a simple process.
(1) Drill a ¼” pilot hole all the way through the cooler from the
outside. It is important to drill completely through the cooler so all
holes are concentric.
(2) Using a 2” to 2-1/4” hole saw, cut through the OUTER wall of the pot ONLY. DO
NOT drill all the way through. This will allow clearance for your hose fittings.
TIP: Use the hole saw in REVERSE (counterclockwise) to prevent it from grabbing
the plastic and sawing through too quickly.
Fig. 3
Fig. 2