Blaze Outdoor Products Instructional Book
Page | 29
Version 1.6
igniting and look for a flame through the cooking grids. If the burner does not light on the first try, repeat
immediately. (For rear burner, a slower turn of the knob is necessary. This allows gas to accumulate in
the rear burner to achieve ignition. Never use the rear burner with the warming rack in place)
If the burner does not light in 5 seconds, turn the burners off and wait five minutes with the lid open until
the gas clears before attempting to light it again. Repeat the procedure or try the manual lighting
procedure below.
If the burner does not light after several attempts, immediately close all gas valves and consult an
authorized service technician.
Upon successful lighting, repeat the process on the other burners you wish to light.
To shut off the burners, rotate the knob and turn to OFF. It is normal to hear a popping sound when the
burners are turned off.
Close the valve at the gas supply.
Manually Lighting the Main Burners
WARNING: Do not use standard size matches or cigarette lighters to perform match-lighting procedures. Serious
burns can occur and lighters can explode.
Open the hood.
If you have just attempted to light the burner, allow five minutes for any accumulated gas to dissipate.
Use caution by standing as far away from the burners as possible.
Do not put your hands, arms, head
or any body parts close to the grill when lighting.
Hold your open flame to the top of the Lighting Tube. See below picture.
Push in and turn the control knob to HIGH.