OM-AF30 E V1.02
October 18, 2013
Page 18
Most catalytic wood burning appliances have a bypass device to
allow the smoke from the fi re to temporarily bypass, or go around,
the catalytic combustor. Th
e bypass door is located inside the
fi rebox at the top of the stove. Th
e bypass is a steel plate door,
hinged inside the stove, and is controlled by the bypass handle on
the right side of the stove. When the handle is pointing at you,
the bypass is open, when
pointing away, it is closed.
It is a clockwise rotation
from open to close.
e following pages contain information on the major components and operation of your stove. Please take time
to read about them as it will give you a better understanding of how your stove works. Th
is understanding will
help you to operate your stove properly thus will extend the life of your stove and allow you to get the highest
ciencies from your stove.
is thermometer is located on the top of the stove. It’s purpose is to show you if the
Combustor is active. Always burn the stove in the “active” zone. When the combustor is
not active the stove will emit smoke and will not be effi
cient. For an accurate reading, turn
fans off for approximately 10 minutes and then read the thermometer.
e Th
ermostat knob is located on the top right rear corner of the stove. It controls the burn rate of the stove
Any thermostat position between 1 (low) and 3 (high) will produce the desired clean burning characteristics
However, since each installation is diff erent, you may fi nd it necessary to operate the thermostat to suit your
situation. A thermostat setting of 3 will produce maximum heat which is more than
suitable for heating the average size home. All adjustments to the Th
ermostat should be
done gradually. When you fi rst light the stove and you should use the “High” setting,
When the fi re is established move the Th
ermostat towards medium setting for 5 minutes
and then to a low setting if required. Too rapid an adjustment may cause the stove
to operate improperly. Th
e most common mistake new owners make is continually
adjusting the Th