Lavender 3537W
PM2.5 abnormal correcting:
After used the PM2.5 sensor for a long time, trace amounts of particulate will adhere to the
sensor inductive head, it may cause the PM2.5 numerical display abnormal.
When you find PM2.5 numerical severely deviated from the normal range, here we
advise you to regulate it as follow steps based on the weather forecast's PM2.5
numerical in your city.
1. Open the window ventilated for 5 minutes (PM2.5 sensor will start to collect current
environmental data again).
2. Long press “function” icon, after hearing ‘click’, then you are on PM2.5 regulating mode.
Each time you press “function” icon, the machine's PM2.5 numerical will increase 2ug/m
each time you press “smart” icon, PM2.5 numerical will decrease 2ug/m
3. When the PM2.5 numerical adjusts to the PM2.5 numerical of your city's weather forecast,
PM2.5 sensor regulating will be finished after 5 seconds.
Reset setting
If the filter icons are always flashing, it means the filters life time comes to the end, please
clean or replace new filters.
After cleaning or replacing new filters, please press "Reset" icon, then filter icons will stop
flashing, the machine starts to record the filters using time.
Remark: “Reset” icon has refresh function, PM2.5 data can be refreshed after pressing
the "Reset" icon on the product operating panel.
Filter replacement