not exceed a 1 meter.
The BT Drive Free 112 must be switched off .
Press the MF button for approx. 6 seconds until you hear a low-pitched signal tone and the MF
button intermittently flashes red and blue. The device is in registration mode.
Activate the Bluetooth function of the cell phone and start the search for Bluetooth devices. (For
further details, please read the operating instructions of your cell phone).
From the list of devices found, select the "BT DF 112".
If required, enter the PIN code "0000" and confirm the entry. If the pairing process was
successful, you hear a signal tone and the MF button lights blue for 3 seconds. (Note: The PIN code
is preprogrammed and cannot be changed.)
After registering, the BT Drive Free 112 automatically connects with the cell phone. For some
cell phones, you have to manually confirm the connection. Next, the BT Drive Free 112 changes to
standby mode and the MF button flashes blue every 3 seconds.
Note: If the registering is not completed within 2 minutes, the BT Drive Free 112 switches off again.
In this case, repeat the registering.
Multi-connection function
The multi-connection function allows the simultaneous use of the BT Drive Free 112 with two cell
phones. This is advantageous for users with a personal and a business cell phone.
Establishing a connection with two cell phones
There are several options of connecting the BT Drive Free 112with already registered cell phones.
Automatic connection
When switching on the BT Drive Free 112, a connection is automatically established with the two
most recently connected cell phones.
Establishing a connection via the BT Drive Free 112
To manually establish a connection between the BT Drive Free 112 and the two most recently
connected cell phones, press the MF button. The BT Drive Free 112 first connects itself with the
most recently connected cell phone. Then it connects itself with the next most recently connected
Establishing a connection via the cell phone
If the cell phone is not one of the two most recently connected cell phones with the BT Drive Free
112, you have to establish the connection via the Bluetooth menu of the cell phone. After successful
connection, you can establish another connection with a second cell phone. This allows you to
determine the sequence of connections.
If two cell phones are connected with the BT Drive Free 112, the cell phone connected first is the
first device and the other one the second device. Another connection can be established only after
first disconnecting one of the two cell phones. The cell phone which is still connected afterwards
becomes the first device in the sequence.
Note that voice dialing is available only for the first device and the operation for redialing the last
number differs for the first and the second device. The other functions are executed the same way
using the BT Drive Free 112 as a connection with only one cell phone.