Additional equipment (is not included in the delivery set, can be ordered separately)
• Humidity sensor. The unit with the installed humidity sensor maintains a set indoor humidity point. As the extract air humidity rises
above the set point, the system automatically switches to the maximum speed. As the humidity drops down below the set point the
unit returns to the previous mode
• CO
sensor. Measures the level of concentration of carbon dioxide in the room and generates a signal that controls the performance
of the fan. Air capacity control based on CO
concentration is an efficient energy saving solution.
• VOC sensor. Qualitative assessment of air saturation with contaminants (cigarette smoke, exhaled air, solvent and detergent vapours).
The sensor sensitivity can be adjusted with regards to the expected maximum level of air pollution. Enables on-demand ventilation
which results in considerable energy savings as air is exchanged only upon reaching the preset level of pollution.
civic ec lB(e)(2) 300/500(-e)