Instructions for use and maintenance
We have been working for more than 20 years to gua-
rantee maximum comfort, convenience and functionality
to those who need wheelchairs and walking devices. This
commitment of ours made us leaders in the fi eld of rese-
arch and technological innovation.
Our range of products is constantly evolving and some
models have been studied to improve their features and
performance levels.
For this reason, the BIRBA AL model was designed.
This manual provides instructions for this particular mo-
Please read carefully the following instructions before
using the device for the fi rst time.
The special care taken in design and manufacture of these
products is a guarantee of top-level safety and comfort.
Use your wheelchair according to the instructions provi-
ded in this manual.
Birba Model:
multifunctional high-chair - painted steel fra-
Main clinical indications:
suitable for neurological patients
in their early and late childhood. The frame is designed to
accommodate rather complex postural setups.
Basic equipment:
available in two sizes, equipped with a
tilting device and mechanically reclining and height adju-
stable backrest. Adjustable seat width and depth, and ana-
tomically shaped to accommodate situations of instability
and deviations of the trunk and pelvis, lined with washable
and breathable fabrics. Armrests with adjustable width
and height, footboard with adjustable height, fl exion and
extension, anti-tip wheels, handle for carer, pushed trunk
and adjustable headrest, pelvic girdle.
it may be customized with accessories which
will meet your needs of comfort and safety: orbital adju-
stable headrest, occipital headrest, plexiglass table, ab-
ductor pad.