Aileron left
Aileron right
Rear View
Rear View
Flight Modes
The Nano S2 RTF comes with the Blade
MLP6DSM transmitter. This transmitter has a
flight mode switch that lets the pilot change
among the following flight modes.
Throttle Hold
switch position 0
Throttle hold is used to turn off the
helicopter motors if the helicopter is out
of control, in danger of crashing or both.
Activate throttle hold anytime the helicopter
is in danger to reduce the chance of
damaging the helicopter in a crash.
Stability Mode Z
switch position 1
• Stability Mode is typically preferred by
pilots with less experience flying collective
pitch helicopters.
• The helicopter will limit the bank angle,
even with full control input, and return the
aircraft to a level flight attitude when the
controls are released.
• The yaw rate is slowed for ease of control.
• The Panic Recovery button returns the
helicopter to upright, level attitude.
• The throttle mode is normal.
Low throttle stick position = 0% throttle.
• The helicopter uses the stability sensor to
help control ascent and descent rates.
3D Mode
switch position 2
• 3D Mode is intended for pilots with
experience with collective pitch
• The model will NOT return to a level
attitude position when you release the
• The helicopter has no bank angle limit.
• Both the cyclic and yaw controls are at
fast, aerobatic rate.
• The Panic Recovery button returns the
helicopter to a level attitude, either upright
or inverted, whichever is closer.
• The throttle mode is “Idle up.” The motor
remains at a constant speed, regardless
of the throttle stick position. The throttle
stick controls the pitch of the main rotor
If you choose to use a computer radio,
programmed as shown in the
Setup Table
section, the flight mode switch
gives the pilot the choice between the
following flight modes:
Stability Mode Z
switch position 0
) as
previously described.
Stability Mode
switch position 1
• Stability Mode shares the same
characteristics as Sability Z mode but
without the stability sensor to help control
the ascent and descent rates.
3D Mode
switch position 2
) as previously
Throttle Hold
with the
Hold switch.