Revision 2.00 / LB-0805 – CerePlex W: Instructions for Use
©2019 Blackrock Microsystems®, LLC
Connect the CerePlex W headstage to the pedestal connector on the Blackrock
DNSS as shown in
Figure 11
Do not overtighten the wheel connector
as this can cause damage to the device.
Testing and Calibrating the Wireless System
1. Place the CerePlex W headstage and DNSS in the experimental area.
2. Turn on the CerePlex W headstage using the magnetic wand as shown in
3. Turn on the CerePlex W receiver by pressing the round power switch shown in
Figure 5
4. The indicator LED on the digital hub or CerePlex Direct change from RED to
either BLUE or GREEN, depending on the model, to indicate successful
communication between the CerePlex W receiver and the data acquisition
5. If the receiver is properly tuned, the reception indicator LEDs on the CerePlex W
receiver should illuminate. Adjust the frequency tuning dial to maximize the
number of antenna input channels with illuminated reception indicator LEDs.
6. If tuning the receiver frequency does not cause the reception indicator LEDs to
illuminate, it could be due to range issues. Make sure the antennas are pointed in
the right direction and oriented correctly (see
Figure 7
Figure 8
) and that the
CerePlex W is within 1 meter of the antenna(s) you are trying to tune.
Figure 11 – The CerePlex W headstage connected to the pedestal connector of the DNSS.