The RGB parade displays separate waveforms displaying
the luminance of the red, green and blue channels
The vectorscope measures the overall range of color hue and saturation within an image.
Blackmagic Video Assist 4K has a traditional vectorscope, emulating a trace drawn graph, with
100 percent color bar saturation targets positioned at the graticule markers surrounding the graph.
Heavily saturated colors in the frame stretch those parts of the graph closer to the edge, while
less saturated colors remain closer to the center of the vectorscope, which represents 0
saturation. By judging how many parts of the vectorscope graph branch out at different angles,
you can see how many hues there are in the image, with the specific angle of each part of the
graph showing you which hues they are.
Additionally, by judging how well centered the middle of the vectorscope graph is relative to the
center of the vectorscope, you can get an idea of whether there is a color imbalance in the
image. For example, if the vectorscope graph is off centered, the direction in which it leans lets
you know that there is a color cast or tint in your image.
While color balance can be monitored on both the RGB parade display and vectorscope
display, color balance issues will often be easier to see in the vectorscope display.
The vectorscope displays the overall range of
color hue and saturation within the image