GPS Sntich: Arm / Disarm
Refresh Page
Publish Options
This menu item is specific to GPS Sntich devices and relates to its
vehicle security function. Select this menu item to arm or disarm
your GPS Snitch system.
Select this menu item when you wish to be signed out from your
account. Your user session always lasts 20 minutes where you’ll
be signed out automatically.
The data available on the Devices Page is static like a Web
browser. To keep data usage to a minimum, this data is only
updated when you request it. To refresh this data, either press the
“R” hotkey of your BlackBerry keyboard or select “Refresh” from
the menu. This will pull the most current device data from the
BlackLine servers.
From this menu item, you can adjust the publishing options of your
BlackBerry device as discussed earlier in this guide.
Devices Page