Customizing your handheld’s options — Handheld options
RIM Wireless Handheld — User’s Guide
Volume: Select the volume for your notification tune. Choose from
Low, Medium, High, Escalating, or Off. If you set your notification
type to vibrate and set the Volume: field to Low, the handheld will
vibrate only once when a new message arrives. If you set this field
to Medium, High, or Escalating, the handheld will vibrate twice
when a new message arrives.
Number of Beeps:
Select the number of beeps the handheld should
make before notification stops. Choose from 1 to 5 beeps. The
default setting is 4.
Priority Only:
Select whether or you want to be notified of all
messages (No option), or only those marked (high) priority (Yes
Reminder: Select whether or not you want to be reminded of
unread messages waiting.
Reminder Method: Select how you want to be reminded of unread
messages waiting. Choose from either Tone, Vibrate, or
Reminder Tone: Select 1 of 6 tunes which you want to be played to
remind you of a unread messages waiting. The default is set to Tune
2. The tunes will be played as you scroll through the options.
Reminder Every (min): Select how many minutes you want
between reminders. The default is set to 5 min.
The Escalating option will give you quiet notification
progressing to louder notification.
You will always be notified of pending appointments with
reminders, even if you have turned off your handheld.