Change the password for your BlackBerry Mail account
On the BlackBerry® Mail web site, in the left pane, click
2. In the
Old password
field, type the password for your BlackBerry Mail account.
3. In the
Change password
field, type a new password.
A password is between 6-16 characters in length and is case-sensitive. Password cannot contain accented characters, but they can contain
lower and upper case letters (a-z, A-Z), numbers (0-9), underscores (_), dashes (-), and periods (.).
4. In the
Confirm password
field, type the password again.
5. Click
About the display language of the web site
When you log in to the BlackBerry® Mail web site, you can specify the display language of the web site.
If you do not specify a display language from the login web page, and you use a browser on your computer, the BlackBerry Mail login web page
will display the default display language that is specified for your browser. If you use the browser on your BlackBerry device, the login web page
will display the default display language that is specified for your device.
If you change the display language from the login web page, the new display language overrides display language options you might have
changed previously for your BlackBerry Mail account.
Change the display language of the web site
On the BlackBerry® Mail web site, in the left pane, click
2. In the
drop-down list, click a display language.
3. Click
About the end user agreement
When you create your BlackBerry® Mail account, you must read and accept an end user agreement before you can create your account. If you
do not accept the end user agreement, you are not able to use BlackBerry Mail.
You can view the end user agreement that you accepted at any time. BlackBerry Mail displays the date and time of when you accepted the end
user agreement.
View the end user agreement
On the BlackBerry Mail web site, at the bottom of any web page, click
End User Agreement
2. Click
User Guide
BlackBerry Mail web site basics