Buying and downloading
Buy a song or an album
Songs or albums that you buy are stored in the Music app and are added to a "Purchased from Amazon MP3" playlist.
Highlight a song or an album that you want to buy.
• To buy a song or an album, click the Buy button. Click Buy.
• To download a free song or free album, click theFree button. ClickGet.
To view your downloads, press the Menu key > Downloads.
Pause downloading a song or an album
On the Downloads screen, click a song to pause a download.
To resume downloading the song or album, click a paused download to resume the download.
Change your download options
1. On the Amazon MP3 screen, press the Menu key > Options.
• To download songs and albums using a Wi-Fi® connection, change the Download songs using field to Wi-Fi Only.
• To download songs and albums to your media card, change the Download songs to field to Media Card.
• To turn off downloading when you are roaming, select the Only download music while not roaming check box.
2. Press the Menu key > Save.
Use a gift certificate or promotional code
1. Press the Menu key > Options.
2. In the Enter an Amazon gift card or promotional code field, type the gift certificate or promotional code information.
3. Click Apply.
User Guide
Buying and downloading