PIC. 18
Disconnecting Air Tools
When disconnecting your air hose and or air tool
1 Lift up the regulator cap and turn anti-clockwise.
2 This will reduce the, outlet pressure, continue winding
anti-clockwise till the outlet pressure gauge is showing
0PSI/0Bar. This will allow easy disconnection.
3 Disconnect your air hose and or air tool.
Nitto Style Fitting
The Nitto style fittings are operated by;
1. Pulling the outer collar back on the female Nitto style
fitting on the regulator.
2. Push the “male” Nitto style fitting in until it clicks and the
collar slides back into place.
3. To remove pull the outer collar back on the female Nitto
style fitting on the regulator.
4. Gently pull the “male” Nitto style fitting out.
5. The collar will slide back into place.