CHAPTER 4: Operation
4.3 Operating the ServSelect with Its On-Screen Display (OSD)
4.3.1 A
Activate on-screen display (OSD) by pressing either of the shared keyboard’s [Ctrl]
(control) keys twice within one second. In nonsecure mode, this brings up the
main OSD window titled “Administrator Channel List.”
In secure mode, activating OSD will bring up the “User Login” window. Type in
your user name and press [Enter]. The system administrator should login as
“Admin,” “Root,” or “Administrator.” If the user name is valid, the password
window will appear. Type your password and press [Enter]. This will bring up your
“Channel List.” If there is no keyboard activity, the login window will time out after
five minutes and go to a Black Box screen saver. Hit any key to restore the login
All ServSelect units ship from the factory set to the default nonsecure
state. For more information on secure versus non-secure operation, see
Section 4.3.6.