Black Box Networks P
Pico Manual v5.1
V5.1 13
Installation procedures
System set-up overview
The set up of a Black Box link needs careful planning, thorough site preparation, and
accurate installation. We have listed the work that is essential for a successful system
set up.
1. Site survey
2. System design
3. Site preparation
4. System installation
5. Alignment procedure
6. System test
We deem necessary to emphasize the importance of site survey. It is fundamental to
make sure if the laser link is a viable solution at all. Most customers usually are not
experts in this field, so they cannot realize the sources of possible difficulties. It is also
very important to clarify the position, size and outlook of the support frame with the
customer in advance.
Key factors of operation
There are four key issues that the site survey. The proper system operation cannot be
guaranteed without satisfying all the four requirements.
a. Clear line of sight -
first of all optical path between the two ends must be free
of any obstacles. It not only means that one has to see the other side, but other
possible sources of disturbance should also be taken into consideration. For
example there might be turbulence above the roofs and other constructions, and
this can cause fraction or scattering of the beam or snow accumulation on roofs too
close to the beam can influence or even interrupt the communication.
b. Solid mount surface -
is the key for long-term operation. Since the diameter of
the beam is limited, it is extremely important to mount the unit on a stable structure
with the possible smallest movement. This way the receiver of the remote unit
cannot get out of the beam due to the movement of the opposite head.
d. East-West orientation -
although the receiver optics is equipped with optical
filters to protect the receiver diode from the effect of undesired light sources, the
direct sunshine can cause saturation of the diode. This prevents the system from
working properly for several minutes a day in a certain time of the year. There are
some methods to reduce the effect of the sun, but the best way is to avoid the East-
West orientation wherever it is possible.