TECHNICAL: 0118 931 2233
When network loopback is selected the data ariving at the G.703/704 port is looped back to
the network.
Remote Loopback
A feature that allows a central site system containing a rack mounted G-Converter to be able
to cause the “remote” stand alone G-Converter to enter a loopback mode is available.. When
this feature is enabled it is possible for the central site, by passing a special command across
the link, to request the remote G-Converter to enter loop back state. Once this state has been
entered, it will remain in loopback for approximately 3 minutes. A timer will appear in this
menu window The data and clock being outputted through the DCE port at the remote end
will be suppressed and the data arriving at the X.21/V.35 drivers/receivers on the remote end
will be looped back to the central site.
The G-Converter has the ability to use as its clock source a clock supplied from the connected
DTE. An external clock is supplied externally to the G-Converter via the EXT clock pins, of
the 15 way D type connector (pins 7 and 14). The three clock modes are;
This is the normal mode, in this mode the clock recovered from the G.703/704 network is
used to transmit on the G.703/704 network and to clock the Data to the DTE interface.
External 2048KHz
In this mode the external clock, being supplied must be 20/- 50 ppm and the jitter
content compliant with the requirements of TBR12 and PD 7024. The function of the G-
Converter in this mode is identical to operation with recovered clock (network clock) with the
exception that the clock source is from the external clock and not the G.703/4 link.
At all times the assumption is made that the clock being supplied to the G-Converter from the
G.703/4 network is as per TBR12/PD7024 requirement.
External N x 64KHz
In this mode the external clock being supplied must be Nx /- 50 ppm and the jitter
content compliant with the requirements of TBR12 and PD 7024. The function of the G-
Converter in this mode will measure the external clock and set the operation of the G-
Converter to this speed. In this mode the unit will become a Local.
The G-Converter Channel card is capable of generating an alarm in the event of either loss of
carrier or loss of framing (only when G.704 network is selected)
G-Converter Nx64 Channel Cards