The MicroNTU G.703 Card receives unstructured, synchronous 2.048-Mbps
data from a G.703 network and sends it to a router, bridge, multiplexor, or
other device. The Card is available in two interface options: 120-ohm twisted
pair to the network and EIA-530 (RS-422) to the terminal (part number
MT245A), or 75-ohm dual coax to the network and X.21 to the terminal
(MT246A). The EIA-530 terminal interface can also be adapted to X.21
using an EIA RS-530 to CCITT X.21 adapter cable (call Black Box).
The MicroNTU G.703 Card is designed to mount in the MicroRack 2, 4, 8,
or 16 (RM202, RM204, RM208, RM216). These operate with a switchable
120/240-VAC power supply or optional 48-VDC power supply. (The power
supply is included with the MicroRack 16. MicroRacks 2, 4, and 8 do not
include the power supply. You must purchase PS460A, the 120/240-VAC unit,
or PS461A, the 48-VDC unit, separately.) The Cards are mounted in a mid-
plane architecture: Front “function” cards and rear “interface” cards can be
hot-swapped independently, providing great flexibility.
The MicroNTU G.703 Card supports internal or external network (receive
loop) clocking. Loopback test is Local Analog Loop (LAL) via front-panel
mounted switch, and front-panel LEDs monitor power, network, master clock,
and test loop.
2. Introduction