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Chapter 3: Operating Modes
If a local device is attached to a Repeater‘s serial data port, the Repeater will also behave as a Slave (aka Repeater/Slave).
Adding one or more Repeaters within a network will HALVE the throughput; the throughput is halved only once, i.e., it does not
decrease with the addition of more Repeaters.
If there is a “path” requirement to provide Repeater functionality, but throughput is critical, place two modems at the Repeater
site in a “back-to-back” configuration. One modem would be configured as a Slave in the “upstream” network; the other a
Master (or Slave) in the “downstream” network. Local connection between the modems uses a “null modem” cable. Each
modem would require its own antenna; carefully consider antenna placement and modem configuration.
3.5 Slave
Endpoint/node within a network to which a local device is attached. Communicates with the Master either directly or through
one or more Repeaters. See Sections 4.3 and 4.4 for information regarding “Slave-to-Slave” communications.