FiberAlert minimizes the problems
associated with the loss of one strand of
fiber. If a strand is unavailable, the
Black Box device at the receiver end
notes the loss of link. The device will
then stop transmitting data and the link
signal until a signal or link pulse is
received. The result is that
the link LED on BOTH sides of the fiber connection will go out indicating a fault
somewhere in the fiber loop. Using FiberAlert, a local site administrator is notified of
a fault and can quickly determine where a cable fault is located.
Enable FiberAlert on ONE side of a media conversion only; Enabling it on both sides would keep
both transmitters off indefinitely.
Using FiberAlert and LinkLoss
Modules ship from the factory with troubleshooting features disabled. Refer to the help
file to enable/disable this feature.
Link Fault Pass-Through (LFPT)
Link Fault Pass-Through (LFPT) is a troubleshooting feature that combines TX and FX
LinkLoss from both the local and remote Gigabit converters. LFPT is enabled by turning
on both FX and TX LinkLoss on both modules. This feature allows either end of the
conversion to detect a link fault occurring at the other end of the media conversion chain.
FiberAlert can also be enabled at the main site.
If a cable fault occurs on the remote devices’ twisted pair port, then TX LinkLoss detects
the fault and disable the OPTICS port.
If a cable fault occurs on the remote devices fiber optics’ port, then FX LinkLoss detects
the fiber loss and disables the Twisted Pair port.
The link fault is passed through the media conversion and is observed at each end. It acts
just like it would if the devices were directly connected.
For more information on LinkLoss/FiberAlert, visit the Black Box Web Site