Black Box LH1500 Media Converters
Installation and User Guide (08/05)
Collision Domain Diameter must be less than 512 BT (Bit Times). Bit Times are related
to media type as shown in Table 3.2.2a.
Table 3.2.2a: Worst case round-trip delay for Fast Ethernet media*
Media Type
Round-trip delay in
Bit Time per Meter (BT/m)
Fiber Optic
Shielded TP cable
Category 5 Cable
Category 4 Cable
Category 3 Cable
*Worst case delays taken from IEEE Std 802.3u-1995, actual delays may be less for a particular
cable. Contact your cable supplier for exact cable specifications.
Each shared Fast Ethernet network device also has an associated BT delay.
Table 3.2.2b shows typical Fast Ethernet device components and the associated BT
delay. Note that there is only one DTE pair associated with any device-to-device path.