Chapter 6: Sizing Windows to Fit Your Screen
6. Sizing Windows to Fit Your Screen
To make Microsoft Windows software easier to see on the TV, you might have
to change the sizes of the windows. If you’re not familiar with Windows, the
following information will help you adjust the window size so that it fits
properly in the television screen.
The Sizing Buttons are found in the upper right corner of the window in
Restored Mode. The button on the left will minimize the window, so that
it appears as an icon at the bottom of the screen. The button on the right
is for maximizing window size, so that the window fills the whole screen.
Instead of aiming for the maximize button, you can also maximize a window
by double-clicking its title bar. Similarly, you can restore a maximized
application by double-clicking its title bar.
The Buttons in Maximized Mode look like the ones pictured below. The
double-headed arrow on the right is the restore button, which restores the
window to the size it was before you maximized it. The arrow on the left
minimizes the window to an icon.
Sizing must be done while the window is in Restored Mode. It isn’t
possible to adjust the window’s size in Maximized Mode. If you need to
adjust the window size and you’re in Maximized Mode, you must click the
double-headed arrow to return to Restored Mode.
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