Command syntax: CALibration:SECure:CODE <parameter>
Parameter: the password (1 through 4digits)
Example: CAL:SEC:CODE "1234"
This command sets the calibration information.
Command syntax: CALibration:STRing <parameter>
Parameter: The calibration information about time and so on.
Example: CAL:STR "2005-1-9 20:12"
This command reads the calibration information.
Command syntax: CALibration:STRing?
Return parameter: the calibration information saved in the EEPROM.
Example: CAL:STR?
This command saves calibration coefficients into EEPROM
Command syntax: CALibration:SAVe
Example: CAL:SAV
Note: The calibration parameter will take effect only after it is saved.
This command renews the calibration coefficients and set the default values.
Command syntax: CALibration:INITital
Example: CAL:INIT
Note: if the calibration fails, you can use this command to renew.