4080 series Function & Arbitrary/Function Generators –Instruction Manual
Click “Set Link” in the “oscilloscope” menu of the software to check the communications
link between software and oscilloscope. A pop-up window will indicate successful
communication; otherwise, the operation will result in an error message. This operation
will also automatically populate the waveform length field
based on the oscilloscope’s
internal storage memory.
Select the Source of the data to be read from the oscilloscope
Select the desired data source from oscilloscope menu>Source. Refer to your
oscilloscope’s user manual for data sources available.
Read the oscilloscope data from the source selected: Click on “read data” in sub-menu
oscilloscope”. A pop-up window will appear to display the current status of the transfer.
The pop up window will automatically disappear once transmission was completed
successfully and the downloaded data will automatically be displayed in the Software’s
editing window.