Every Bixpy thruster, Power Pack and accessory has been checked for defects multiple times and
operated individually for quality control and defect-free operation. However, if you experience a
problem or encounter a built-in safety feature that results in your thruster or Power Packs not
operating as expected, the table below offers some simple troubleshooting hints. If you experience
other issues, always feel free to reach out to us for support:
Thruster connected
but does not
Check that your connectors are mated well and dry. Water in
the connectors can cause the thruster to seize. If you are using
the Outboard version of the Power Pack, make sure your
remote control has a fresh battery and working. Try to run the
thruster using the “Emergency Quad Click”
Thruster seems to
be seized and
makes rough
If you have not mated your connectors well, water will short
your signal wires and the thruster will act in a convulsive
manner. At times it may seem as though the propeller has
seized, but once power is disconnected you should be able to
spin the propeller with your fingers. In case water ingress into
the connectors, remove the connector, use compressed air and
alcohol to rinse and dry the connectors, re-mate the connectors
and try to run the thruster again.
My thruster will not
stop running
This is likely due to water intake into the thruster or your Power
Packs or a blow to the Power Packs that has caused circuitry
damage to the Power Pack. Stop using your product and
contact Bixpy at:
as soon as possible.
Useful links
Bixpy installation portal:
Mating your connectors:
Bixpy videos: