Rev. 1.00
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5-4 Media Calibration
This printer has been designed to recognize the gaps with most print papers, but
sometimes it may not recognize the gap and keep feeding paper if a special type of paper
is used. In this case, run Media Calibration function so that the printer can recognize the
gap. BIXOLON printer provides various media calibration methods in order to
accommodate various special paper types.
5-4-1 About media calibration
• This function is for adjusting the sensitivity of the paper detection sensor for accurate
printing position control and measuring actual length of paper.
• Sensor sensitivity adjustment
- The purpose is to detect the identifier (gap/black mark/groove) of installed label
• Paper length measurement
- Accurate length is required to rotate the printing orientation.
- The purpose is to detect the change of paper type.
5-4-2 When is media calibration required?
• When the printer is installed first time
• When the newly installed paper is a different paper type
• When printer position is not accurate or printer does not stop in the right position
5-4-3 How to perform media calibration
• The following four methods of media calibration can be used depending on the
- Smart Media Detection
- Auto Calibration Mode 1
- Auto Calibration Mode 2
- Manual Calibration Mode
• Why are several calibration methods provided?
- Multiple labels should be scanned for media calibration and more accurate
sensitivity calibration can be performed when more labels are scanned.
- The number of labels to scan for sensor sensitivity adjustment depends on various
conditions such as label paper material, color, surface status, thickness, gap length,
pre-printed pattern, etc.
- Four different media calibration modes are provided for compromise between
prevention of excessive use of paper and accuracy of sensor sensitivity adjustment.
- Smart Media Detection or Automatic Calibration Mode 1 that adjusts the sensor
sensitivity with minimum paper scanning should be enough for most label papers.
- Try various methods in order of Smart Media Detection
Automatic Calibration
Mode 1
Automatic Calibration Mode 2
Manual Calibration Mode.