4. 0 Note
When installing the tester, locate the instrument on a sturdy bench apart from environment of strong
strong magnetic field
strong electrical field
strong electromagnetic pulse disturbance.
After finishing test,,
time of whole course
should be readjusted, or
Clear timing
key must be
pressed to clean last time displaying data before new test, otherwise relative keys will be no effective
For quick-drying ink, choose shorter "time of whole course", time per cycle for roller will be shorter,
resolution of drying time will be increased.
After testing, wipe and clean the instrument; each running part should be lubricated after using a
period of time.
Turn off the power switch which is on the back of tester, it should be waiting 10 seconds to restart the
instrument, otherwise it will cause display in disorder. If happening display in disorder occasionally,
Please turn off the power & restart the instrument after waiting 10 seconds.
For further information contact Biuged, your local supplier, or visit our website at