95 / 98 and NT
Visual Feedback – How do I know what port I am on?
Whe n the Bitro nics switch is in its no rmal scanning mo d e , the LEDs are
mo ving b ack and fo rth acro ss the co mp ute r p o rts. To se e the so ftware in
actio n, simp ly p re ss the CO MPUTER b utto n so yo u can se e a co mp ute r
p o rt’s co nne ctio n. Pre ss the CO MPUTER p o rt until the LEDs aro und 1 are lit
up , and yo u will se e which d e vice p o rt it is curre ntly co nne cte d to . If it is in
File Transfe r mo d e , the co mp ute r p o rt LEDs are g re e n, and ne ithe r d e vice
p o rt LEDs will b e lit. The n, click o n the Bitro nics so ftware ico n in the taskb ar
and chang e p o rts. Yo u will se e the LED o f the Bitro nics switch to the p o rt
yo u cho se .
Using any other parallel device (not printers or mass
storage devices) with a printer
Whe n d e aling with o the r p aralle l p o rt d e vice s, the y are se t as Scanne rs in
the Se tting s (ste p 7 ab o ve ). Examp le s o f the se are scanne rs, p aralle l p o rt
came ras, and tap e d rive s. Whe n yo u ne e d acce ss to this d e vice , simp ly
sing le -click o n the Bitro nics syste m tray ico n, and se le ct the d e vice yo u wish
to use . A che ck mark will ap p e ar sho wing which d e vice is co nne cte d . Fo r
e xamp le , we have a scanne r and a p rinte r o n the Bitro nics switch:
You will be connected to the scanner device indefinitely. But let us say
you wish to print to the InkJet printer, the software will again
automatically switch to the port that has the printer and send the print
job. However, the switch will remain connected to the printer - it will not
change back to the Scanner, unlike the mass storage device mentioned
previously. This means that you have to use this method to switch to the
scanner each time you need to use it.
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