Hardware User Manual
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110: loading linux kernel from USB.
111: this is not used.
Bit5: OTG_ID
ON: BM1880 USB as host or OTG enabled
OFF: BM1880 USB as device
ON: USB port3 is directly connected to BM1880 USB2.0 port
OFF: all three USB ports as host ports
POWER on button /reset button
The power button SW2 can be used to power ciycle the board.
The reset button SW3 can be used to reset the system
DC in jack
DC power is provided via the DC JACK of J13. This is a connector with a center pin diameter of
1.65mm conffigured with positive plolarity. An 12V power supply at a minimum of 2A rateing can be
used to provide sufficient board power for on system requirements as well as external devices.
Additional current rating may be required for mezzanine boards or modules. DC power can also be
supplied via the SYS_DCIN pins on the low speed expansion of J8.
Low speed expansion connector
The EDB features one expansion connector. This connector is a low-profile 40 pin femal 2mm
receptacle(20*2) of a specified height of 4.5mm height. The low speed expansion brings out 1.8V
level SOC signals such as UART and I2C and I2S, and GPIO, power supply of 1.8V and Ground. The
complete list of signals is shown as below: