12 Summary and modes of use
Below is a brief description of how the Birth Alarm Premium works and how it should be
used. We recommend that you read this text.
The Birth Alarm Premium checks the position of your mare once every 4 seconds. In the
intervals the Birth Alarm Premium will switch to an energy‐efficient state so that the battery is
not overloaded.
When your mare has contractions and therefore lies down stretched, the Birth Alarm Premium
will call your own mobile phone. You will then see the Birth Alarm Premium phone number
appear on the screen of your mobile phone. If you save this number in the phone list of your
mobile phone with for example the name "BirthAlarm" or "Mare", this name will also appear on
your phone's screen. So now you know that the Birth Alarm Premium is calling you. Contrary to
what you would normally do, in this case you
do not
answer your phone! As a result, you do not
make a "call" and the notification to you will be completely free of charge. The Birth Alarm
Premium stops ringing automatically after a few seconds. You can then call the Birth Alarm
Premium back, which is also is free of charge. With this you let the Birth Alarm Premium know
that you have heard his call and the Birth Alarm Premium will stop calling you. The Birth Alarm
Premium only becomes active again when the horse lies down again after some time.
If you do not call the Birth Alarm Premium back within half a minute, the Birth Alarm Premium
will call the second number in its memory ‐ if a second number has been programmed ‐ and
then wait another half minute for confirmation. For example, the Birth Alarm Premium can
warn a total of 4 telephone numbers/persons in the event of a birth. If Birth Alarm Premium
has called each number once without any of the numbers responding, Birth Alarm Premium
will call the first number again. After this, the Birth Alarm Premium will also automatically
send an SMS status message. This is an SMS message in which the Birth Alarm Premium has
briefly and concisely stated some important information about the lying angle, battery
capacity, network coverage, etc.
(see 9)
Incidentally, it should be noted that the Birth Alarm Premium can also call a landline
connection, which is your home phone, without any problems. If your landline is equipped with
number recognition, you can also determine in advance whether the Birth Alarm Premium will
call you. If your landline telephone has no number recognition, you will be obliged to answer
every call. You will then hear a sound by which you can recognise the Birth Alarm Premium. In
this case you do have a call connection with Birth Alarm Premium and a small amount will be
deducted from the prepaid card of Birth Alarm Premium. If you would like to use Birth Alarm
Premium in this way, we advise you to check your credit regularly. Make sure that this always
remains above £10.
A set of alkaline batteries, will usually operate the system for at least a month. The use
of rechargeable or the cheaper zinc‐coal batteries is strongly discouraged!