Fighting Styles
Martial Styles
Martial styles are the most
practical and useful fi ghting styles.
Though all infl ict damage, each varies in speed and damage
Strategic note:
Golems are immune to martial styles.
Magic Styles
Using magic styles draws from your pool of Chi. In addition
to doing damage, they generally cause special longer-lasting
effects such as immolation or petrifi cation (see pg. 20). Because
of the awesome range and power of these styles, only those
with high Chi can use them for long.
Strategic note:
Demons and golems are immune to magic styles.
Weapon Styles
Weapon styles have excellent reach and speed, but these
advantages come at a cost. Each attack drains your Focus,
making these styles too tiring to use in long battles.
Strategic note:
Spirits are immune to weapon styles.
Transformation Styles
To learn transformation styles you must absorb the spirit of a
fallen enemy—a rare occurrence. Although it exacts a signifi cant
Chi cost, this style temporarily grants you the immense power
and fearsome special attacks of the fallen beast you emulate.
Support Styles
Support styles do no direct damage, but their strategic use can
enhance other styles. Use support styles to slow down, stun, or
paralyze your enemies.
Strategic note:
Demons, fl oating spirits, and golems are immune
to support styles.
Quick Styles
As a skilled fi ghter you must keep your training
close to your heart and be able to switch styles
the moment it becomes necessary. Remember
the strengths and weaknesses of each style, and
press a direction on
to change styles instantly in
The fi rst four styles you acquire will be assigned automatically
. However, you may change these assignments as you
wish, even during combat.
To assign a style to
Briefl y press and hold
in the direction you’d like to
assign the new style.
Select the desired style from the pop-up menu, and then
Many creatures are
immune to certain
style types. For
example, spirits are
immune to support
and weapon styles.
Experiment with
different styles against
these enemies.
Use Chi to enhance
your fi ghting styles
(see pg. 19).