The operator's satisfaction with this unit will depend to a great extent on his management
of other factors involved in the raising of young animals, such as proper housing, good sanitation
practices, control of diseases and types of milk replacers/formulas used. All these factors,
including the number of lambs on the Lac-Tek Stainless should be considered in selecting the
proper location and setting up the machine.
All advice given in this manual is intended to serve as a guideline only.
Read this section carefully before proceeding.
Before connecting the electricity, make sure that the Main Switch (on/off) is on the off
Do not open the control panel without removing the electric plug from the socket. Shut
off the main power source (breaker) before attempting this.
When filling up the hopper, make sure that there is no foreign matter (measuring cup,
string, paper, etc.) in the powder.
Note: All references to measurement are in U.S. followed by the metric equivalent.
The LAC-TEK STAINLESS is an automatic dispenser designed to provide a constant,
uniform and easily accessible supply of milk replacer/formula for various domestic animals such
as lambs, and kids.
The machine automatically mixes small quantities of powdered milk replacer/formula
with warm water at a desired concentration. The animals take the mixed liquid by means of a
rubber nipple.
The machine consists of a hopper, water tank and heater, mixing bowl with outlets for the
nipples and an electro-mechanical system which mixes the powdered milk substitute and water
in desired proportion and temperature. The mix is made in batches. When the milk level goes
below the sensor, the feeder starts a new batch.
The water enters the heating tank via a valve where it is heated by a thermostatically
controlled element.
The concentration of the mix is regulated in the following manner:
The milk replacer flow is always constant.
The water flow to the mixing-bowl is adjustable.
Capacity : 60 lambs or kids
Number of nipples : 6 for lambs and kids
Capacity of hopper : 25 lbs. (12 kg)
Capacity of water tank : 1.5 gal. (10 l.)
Current rating: : 110volts, 1500 watts
Power requirement : 15 amps
Dimension : 17X19X28" (43X48X70 cm)