3560 Beck Road
Butler, PA 16002
Voice: 724-282-7145
Fax: 724-282-0745
E-mail: [email protected]
Web: www.bioptechs.com
3560 Beck Road
Butler, PA 16002
Voice: 724-282-7145
Fax: 724-282-0745
E-mail: [email protected]
Web: www.bioptechs.com
FCS2 (Focht Live-Cell Chamber System) Instructions
A Message from the Developer:
The FCS2 utilizes the most advanced technology for optimum functionality and versatility for the observation of living cells on a
light microscope. As part of our dedication to respond to our customers needs we would be very appreciative of any comments or
suggestions you may have relative to our products continued improvement.
Before You Begin:
Check to make sure there is no visible damage in shipment and save all packing materials.
The Controller box should contain; controller, power cord, 2.5mm screwdriver, 1/8” jack, and 3 pin mini DIN
Check the packing list and call your supplier if there are any discrepancies.
Front Panel of FCS2 & FCS3 Controller
Figure 1
Control Interface Descriptions:
Numeric Display
should be illuminated when the controller is turned on. If it does not light, check the main power source then the
fuse block located in the power input module where the AC power cord plugs in.
Display Selector
is the black button adjacent to the display. It selects the source of the information displayed. When the controller
is turned on, the default condition is to display the setpoint value indicated by the red light adjacent to the word
. The button
selects one of a sequence of display options. This button can be pressed at any time and has no effect on the temperature regulation
functions of the controller.
Display Lights
indicate the source of the value displayed on the numeric display.
is adjusted by a potentiometer accessible with the 2.5mm screwdriver provided. To adjust the setpoint set the numeric
display to
, then adjust the potentiometer to the desired value. If you need to change the setpoint value during your
experiment on a routine basis there is a remote setpoint jack on the back of the controller. See Remote Setpoint.
is the location where the calibration of the circuit reading the Microaqueduct Slide can be adjusted.
is the location where the calibration of the circuit reading the Chamber can be adjusted.
(Red Button) resets the controller if the alarm sounds. Note: If the alarm went off there must have been a reason. Check the
chamber before resetting the controller.
substitutes precision resistors into the circuit that reads the thermistors so that calibration adjustments can be made to a
known value.
is a six pin mini DIN connector where the FCS2 or FCS3 is plugged in.