TA790GXB3/TA785-A3 BIOS Manual
Control M ode
T his item provides several operation modes of the fan.
Options: Quiet / Performan ce / Manual
Fan Ctrl OFF
If the CPU/System T emperature is lower than the set value, FAN will turn off.
Options: 0~127
Fan Ctrl On
CPU/System fan starts to work under smart fan function when arrive this set value.
Options: 0~127
Fan Ctrl Start Value
When CPU/System temperature arriv es to the set value, the CPU/System fan will
work under Smart Fan Function mode.
Options: 0~127
Fan Ctrl Sensitive
Increasing the value will raise the speed of CPU/System fan.
Options: 1~127
Hardware Health Conf iguration
T his item shows the system temperature, fan speed, and voltage information.
Hardw are Health Co nfiguration
H/W H ealth Functio n [ Enabled]
Shutd own Temperatu re [ Disabled]
CPU T emperature
CPU F an
Syste m1 Fan
CPU V core
HT/Ch ip Voltage
+3.30 V
+12.0 V
DDR V oltage
SB Vo ltage
CPU-N B Voltage
Temperat ure
Syste m2 Fan
vxx.xx (C)C opyright 198 5-200x, Amer ican Megatre nds, Inc.
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F1 0
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