3. Chipset Menu | 21
H110MDS2 PRO D4 / H110MH PRO D4
This item enables or disables VT-d capability.
Options: Enabled (Default) / Disabled
Maximum Value of TOLUD. Dynamic assignment would adjust TOLUD automatically based on
largest MMIO length of installed graphic controller.
Options: Dynamic (Default) / 1 GB / 1.25 GB / 1.5 GB / 1.75 GB / 2 GB / 2.25 GB / 2.5 GB / 2.75 GB
/ 3 GB / 3.25 GB / 3.5GB
Internal Graphics
This item keeps IGD enabled based on the setup options.
Options: Auto (Default) / Disabled / Enabled
Primary Display
This item selects which of IGFX/PEG/PCI Graphics device should be Primary Display or select SG
for Switchable Gfx.
Options: Auto (Default) / IGFX / PEG / PCIE
GTT Size
This item selects GTT Size.
Options: 8MB (Default) / 4MB / 2MB
Aperture Size
This item selects Aperature Size. Note : Above 4GB MMIO BIOS assignment is automatically
enabled when selecting 2048MB aperture. To use this feature, please disable CSM Support.
Options: 256MB (Default) / 128MB / 512MB / 1024MB / 2048MB / 4096MB
DVMT Pre-Allocated
This item selects DVMT 5.0 Pre-Allocated (Fixed) Graphics Memory size used by the Internal
Graphics Device.
DVMT Total Gfx Mem
This item selects DVMT5.0 Total Graphic Memory size used by the Internal Graphics Device.
Options: 256MB (Default) / 128MB / MAX
PAVP Enable
This item enables or disables PAVP.
Options: Enabled (Default) / Disabled
RC6 (Render Standby)
This item enables or disables render standby support.
Options: Enabled (Default) / Disabled
MAX Link Speed
Configure PEX16_1 Max Speed.
Options: Auto (Default) / Gen1 / Gen2 / Gen3