A740G M2+
5.2 S
Installing Software
1. Insert the Setup CD to the optical drive. The drivers installation program
would appear if the Autorun function has been enabled.
2. Select
Software Installation
, and then click on the respective software
3. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.
Launching Software
After the installation process, you will see the software icon “eHOT Line” /
“BIOS Update” appears on the desktop. Double-click the icon to launch the
eHot-Line (Optional)
eHot-Line is a convenient utility that helps you to contact with our
Tech-Support system. This utility will collect the system information which is
useful for analyzing the problem you may have encountered, and then send
these information to our tech-support department to help you fix the problem.
Before you use this utility, please set Outlook Express as your default e-mail client application program.
Th i s bl ock wi ll sho w
the in fo rma ti on wh ich
wou l d b e co ll ecte d i n
the mai l.
Pro vid e th e e -mai l
ad dre ss th at yo u w oul d
li ke to se nd the cop y to.
Pro vid e th e n ame of
the po we r sup pl y
man ufactu rer an d th e
mod el no .
Send th e ma il ou t.
Sa ve th ese in forma ti o n to a .txt fi le
Exi t thi s di a log .
Sel ect yo ur are a o r
the a re a cl ose to y ou .
Provi de the na me o f
the m emory mod ul e
manu factur er.
Des cri be cond i ti on
of yo ur system.
re pre sen ts i mp orta nt
i n fo rmati on that you
m ust p rovi de . With ou t
th is in formati on , you may
n ot b e abl e to se nd ou t
th e ma il .
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