FOTS100 User Manual
© Opsens Inc.
IMP0023 Pico-M Manual rev 2.1 test.doc
based on the mobile averaging method. So even when averaging takes place, the output
on the analog output is refreshed at a rate given by the sampling rate of the FOTS100.
Note that the front panel display is refreshed a rate of three measurements per second.
The method to set the averaging is described in Figure 3. This parameter is not saved so
the instrument returns to its default state (Averaging ON) after being switched off.
2.2.2 Analog output
The analog output parameters comprise the scale factor and the offset. The scale factor
corresponds to the physical unit per Volt (unit/V) outputted by the system, while the
offset corresponds to the physical value at which the user wants the analog output to be
at zero volt. For example, with a scale factor set to 10 °C / V and the offset set to 5 °C,
the temperature as a function of the analog output voltage is given by:
Temperature = [Voltage output] x 10 °C / V + 5 °C.
The default value of the scale factor is 50 °C / V (or its equivalent in °F) and the default
value of the offset is 0 °C (or its equivalent in °F). NOTE: The analog output during a NO
SIGNAL condition (see section 2.3) is always set to zero volt.
The method to change the analog output parameters is described in Figure 4. Any new
scale factor and offset are saved in the non-volatile memory.
2.2.3 Units
The user can set the temperature units in degree Celsius (default value) or in degree
Fahrenheit. The method to change the units is described in Figure 5.
2.3 System Diagnostic
The user can look through a variety of FOTS100 internal parameter for diagnosing
potential problem with the system as described in Figure 6. The available diagnostics
parameters are shown below. Diagnostic values can be refreshed by depressing
confirmation button .
Parameter and unit values
Lm %
Lamp driving level
Lg Volts
Light level
Sg (no units)
Signal amplitude
The following table shows diagnostic values with good signal, poor signal, or with a
broken sensor (“fault”). A fault condition results in a “No Signal” being displayed.