16/20 v2 03-13-2020
replacement parts or instructions on «how to do it» at
[email protected] or on our web site:
www.bionicbird.com, FAQ or parts pages.
You may also try to find help within the community
– Youtube especially).
It is strongly
recommended to charge
the MetaFly at
least at 50% of the battery capacity
before to store
after use, the battery life shall be shortened if not.
At cold temperature, the batteries or rechargeable
batteries you use inside the transmitter are losing most
of their power. They
can’t supply enough power to fully
charge the MetaFly. It is advised to charge the MetaFly
indoor (warm), then to go out for flying.
The motor and clockworks inside the METAFLY are very
efficient, with very tight tolerance. They need a training
period during which they will get free of friction. The
maximum power and flying time will be reached after
about ten flights.
The wings structures are made of very light and rigid
material necessary to get good flying performances.
They are very robust in flying conditions and can last
hundreds of flights. But they are not able to withstand
heavy weight or force out of normal use, like manual
bending, storage below heavy things, stepping on it.
Therefore, they are replacement parts that can be