5. Seat patient. Move patient anteriorly or posteriorly to approximate
longitudinal spinal axis with the fixed axis of the Back Ex/Flex
6. Position footrest so that femur is nearly parallel to seat. Knee angle
will be approximately 15 degrees. Note the value indicated on the
footrest position scale so that it may be entered under subject setting.
7. Adjust patient axis height by pumping seat up or down using Seat
Height Foot Pedal located at back of chair base. Align the fixed axis of
the machine with the subject’s anterior superior ileac spines (ASIS).
Half-strokes move seat up. Full strokes held down lower seat.
8. Stabilize lower extremity firmly with pelvic and femur straps. With
the lower torso properly stabilized the patient assumes a posterior
pelvic tilt with a slight degree of knee flexion. Maintenance of poste-
rior pelvic tilt throughout the range of motion places the extensor
muscles in an elongated position which, when moving into a flexion
posture, allows exercise of a broader range of extensors.
9. Adjust Lumbar Pad to provide desired firmness or maximum
patient comfort. To do this, tighten or loosen the Lumbar Pad’s
Velcro® strap.
10. Adjust Scapula Roll to rest between the level of the scapular spines
and inferior angles. To do this, press in simultaneously on the
Scapular Pad Adjustment Knobs and slide the pad up or down into
any of the notches provided. Affirm that this is a comfortable posi-
tion for the patient.
11. If necessary, loosen the Headrest Adjusting Knobs and adjust
Cervical Headrest to below the occipital protuberance, or to patient
12. Apply torso straps firmly and adjust clavicle pads on straps for max-
imum patient restraint and comfort. Secure tethering strap across the
patient’s chest.