Patients with a history of Deep Vein Thrombosis with or without a filter may require less com-
pression. These patients will generally tolerate 40mmHG. These patients with a filter may
need to divide their treatment into twice a day, 30 minutes per treatment. It is suggested that
the provider obtain a Negative Doppler study from the physician for their records.
All compression settings should be discussed with the physician. It is ultimately his/her re-
sponsibility to prescribe the setting and it should be written on the prescription upon referral.
Every patient is unique and communication with the physician is important when setting
4. Take the LATCH CONNECTOR BAR which is located at the end of the tubing on your garment.
Holding in one hand with the numbers facing up, squeeze ends together to line up (1 to 1) & (4
& 4) to Air Supply Ports (#4) then push onto AIR SUPPLY PORTS (#4). You should hear a click
when fully engaged.
5. Repeat the previous steps to attach the LATCH CONNECTOR BAR (#6) to the remaining AIR SUP-
PLY PORTS (#4) if using more than one garment
6. Unzip sleeve/garment gently down to bottom stop (zipper does not separate). Place garment
onto arm or leg and zip up to top of garment
7. Press PUMP SWITCH (#1) up to PUMP ON” position. Allow two to three complete inflation/
resting cycles before the garment reaches its pre-set therapeutic pressure. At this point, you
may start timing treatment duration.
8. As each chamber of the garment inflates, the PRESSURE GAUGE (#3) will dip down momentarily
then return to reflect the actual pressure in the chamber. This will continue as each chamber
becomes pressurized during every cycle.
When bilateral treatment is required, remove Latch Connector Bar Blocker from Auxiliary Air Sup-
ply Ports (#4a) under controls & indicators) and attach the garment’s in the same manner as previ-
ous described.
When your treatment time is completed, press the Lighted Pump Switch (#1) down to the “PUMP
OFF” position. As noted earlier, although the pump shuts off, the switch may remain lighted until
the timer completes its cycle, at which time it will automatically shut off.