Installation and Operation Manual
HL-10E Installation Manual Rev 1.03
Part Number MAN-000012
Network Settings Page
The network settings page displays the current NetBIOS name, dynamic or static IP addressing and the system clock.
You may change the IP addressing by selecting
“Static” and making the appropriate changes. This page also allows you
to adjust the password settings.
NetBIOS Name:
Max 16 characters
Must use only
uppercase letters
No special characters
The static IP address requires
the IP address as well as the
Subnet Mask and Gateway IP.
Changing these can make the
device not work so be sure of
the changes before pressing
The system clock can be
updated for the current date
and time. Adjust the time,
check the box and press
submit to proceed with the
A password can be used to protect the access of the HL-
10E device. To use this feature, check the “Use
password?” box and click submit to apply changes.
The password can be changed by using the “Click here to change access password” link. Password must
NOT exceed 9 characters and contain NO special characters (Alphanumeric characters only).
Help Page
The Help page can answer some of the more common issues. If you continue to have problems, please call 1-877-
BINTRAC for technical assistance.