925-0268 Rev C
In NRM mode, the Status Relay will have a connection between the C and the NO termi-
nal. In a Fault condition there will be a connection between the C and NC terminals when
using the standard SPDT relay. The solid state relays are SPST, they do not use the NC
terminal. In Normal mode with either of the solid state relay options, there will be a con-
nection between the C and NO terminal when the
is operating normal. During a
Fault condition the there will be no connection between the C and NO terminal.
In the Pulse (PLS) mode it is recommended to have one of the solid state relay options.
In Pulse Mode (PLS) the Status Relay will be energized during a covered condition and
there will be a connection between the C and NO terminals. When the paddle is rotating
(uncovered) the Status Relay will be pulsing ON and OFF like the visual LED. During a
Fault condition the Status Relay will de-energize.
The has selectable time delay for the DPDT relay contacts. This time delay can
be selected for switching from an uncovered to a covered condition or it can be selected for
switching between a covered to an uncovered condition or both. The time delay is selected
by the two time delay DIP switches. Switch 1 is for selecting a time delay for going from an
uncovered to a covered condition. Switch 2 is for selecting a time delay for going from a
covered to an uncovered condition. When the switch is OFF there is no time delay. When
the switch is ON there will be a time delay for that condition.
By default the time delay is set to 5 seconds for both switches. This time delay can be
changed by using the SETUP push button switch on the circuit board. (Refer to Figure 10).
The Delay Time can be set for each switch independently or for both together if the same
delay time is desired for both ”delay on covered” and “delay on uncovered”. The maximum
time delay that can be programmed is 25 seconds. Follow the procedure in 4.1 to change
the delay time.
4.1 Changing Delay Time
Step 1.
Select the switch for the delay time that you want to change by placing it in the
ON position. Switch 1 is for “Delay on Covered”. Switch 2 is for “Delay on Uncovered”.
The new delay time will be set for switch or switches in the ON position. At least one of
the delay switches must be ON in order to enter the programming mode.
Step 2.
Press and hold the SETUP switch (refer to Figure 10) for three seconds to initiate
the programming mode. The LED will flash for these three seconds at a fast rate to indicate
entry of the program mode. Releasing the SETUP switch during this initial three second
period will abort the program mode and leave the delay times unchanged.
Step 3.
After the three seconds has passed, continue holding the SETUP switch for the
desired amount of delay time in seconds. The LED stops flashing and will blink every
second to give you indication of the delay time so far. Each one second flash is one
second of delay time.
Step 4.
After the desired amount of delay has passed, let go of the SETUP switch and the
delay time will be set for the delay switches that are in the ON position. You may enter up
to 25 seconds. Holding the SETUP switch longer than this will have no effect and limit the
delay to 25 seconds.