First Installation/Setup
1.1 Install the "BIMAR life Smart" App via Google Play (Android) or AppStore (iOS),
or scan the QR code provided here.
For Android
For iOS
Once installed, the app icon appears. Click the
“Bimar Live Smart” icon to run the app.
The first time the app is started, register and enter your credentials:
- click “Register” and confirm the “Privacy Policy Statement” with “I agree” to
- enter your phone number or email address (select the mode in the top right-
hand corner)
- click "Get check code", wait a few moments and then enter the code received in
the registration email or text message in the “Check code” field (also check in the
Spam folder if you cannot find the email in your "Incoming Mail" folder).
Enter the password required and click "Done".
A screen will open: click "Create Family".
A screen (as shown on the right)
appears where you can
customise the home (name,
position and name of room).
Confirm when done.
1.7 Once you have customised the app
correctly, the main screen appears. It
contains the following functions:
- List and control of devices, subdivided by
room “
- List and control of scenarios “
- User profile management ”
- Pairing of new devices “