Device Configuration /
BiPAC 6300VNP User Manual
List all available network interfaces in the router. You are currently checking on the physical
status of the
Transmit Statistics
Transmit Frames:
This field displays the total number of frames transmitted until the latest second.
Transmit Multicast Frames:
This field displays the total number of multicast frames transmitted till
the latest second.
Transmit Total Bytes:
This field displays the total number of bytes transmitted until the latest second.
Transmit Collision:
This is the number of collisions on this port.
Transmit Error Frames:
This field displays the number of error packets on this port.
Recieve Statistics
Receive Frames:
This field displays the number of frames received until the latest second.
Receive Multicast Frames:
This field displays the number of multicast frames received until the latest
Receive Total Bytes:
This field displays the number of bytes received until the latest second.
Receive CRC Errors:
This field displays the number of error packets on this port.
Receive Under-size Frames:
This field displays the number of under-size frames received until the
latest second.
Press this button to refresh the statistics.