BiGuard VPN Client Configuration – Phase 1 Configuration
“Authentication” or “Phase 1” window will concern settings for Authentication Phase or Phase
1. It is also called IKE Negotiation Phase.
Phase 1's purpose is to negotiate IKE policy sets, authenticate the peers, and set up a secure
channel between the peers. As part of Phase 1, each end system must identify and authenticate
itself to the other.
You need use for the BiGuard VPN Client settings defined in Billion BiGuard series VPN
enabled devices VPN configuration.
Label for Authentication phase used only the configuration user interface. This value is
never used during IKE negotiation. It is possible to change this name at any time and read it in
the tree control. Two Phase 1 can not have the same name (“billion” in our example).
IP address of the network interface of the computer, through which VPN connection is
established. If the IP address may change (when it is received dynamically by an ISP), select
Remote Gateway:
IP address or DNS address of the remote router (in our example:
gateway.dyndns.com). This field is mandatory.
Pre-shared key:
Password or key shared with the remote router (“12345678” in our example).
Certificate (Please see the Appendix A):
X509 certificate used by the VPN client (see
certificate configuration).
IKE encryption:
Encryption algorithm used during Authentication phase (3DES, AES, ...).
IKE authentication:
Authentication algorithm used during Authentication phase (MD5, SHA, ...).