Insert the seatpost into your seat tube.
When inserting or extending, make sure you do not pull
too hard on the outer housing, while guiding it through the
internals of your frame.
Insert slowly and carefully! When inserting, make sure
there are no such things as pivot points, bent tubes, ...
inside your seattube that can interfere with the seatpost.
You should always use a good quality grease on
contacting faces between seatpost and seattube in
order to prevent corrosion. Use friction paste only if
proper clamping is impossible with greased
components. Contact us before applying friction paste.
Make sure your post does not slip inside the seat tube
when sitting on it, before going out for a real ride.
Over-tightening your frame‘s seat clamp might lead to
a stuck post and/or increased wear. Use only as much
torque as you need to keep the post in place during
normal riding. It is appropriate for the post to rotate or
slip under higher input forces to prevent overload.
Never exceed 5 Nm of torque!